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Ju87A knüppelgriff

#1 von AlexTheRoman , 31.03.2016 16:28

Hello, I recently purchased this stick grip from Spain, and I was wondering if anybody else had one in their collection? In particular i would really be grateful is someone had details of the button on the top and the chord around the grip, which are both missing.

Thank you!


IMG_9131.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)

IMG_9133.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)

Beiträge: 31
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Registriert am: 16.01.2014

zuletzt bearbeitet 31.03.2016 | Top

RE: Ju87A knüppelgriff

#2 von oliver-sven , 31.03.2016 17:55

Here are some pictures of these webside.

Look at "Gerätekatalog 2.WK" and "Steuerknüppel".....


KG2B.gif - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)KG2B_2.gif - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)KG2B_4.gif - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)

Beiträge: 636
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Registriert am: 18.01.2010

RE: Ju87A knüppelgriff

#3 von AlexTheRoman , 31.03.2016 18:44

Very interesting, thank you Oliver :-)

Two things:
1) the one you posted is a KG-2B, mine is a KG-3F, do we know what the difference is?
2) I assume the button missing (on both!) was the release button for the bombs, do we know the model by any chance?



Beiträge: 31
Punkte: 31
Registriert am: 16.01.2014

RE: Ju87A knüppelgriff

#4 von oliver-sven , 01.04.2016 08:57

Hello Alex,

unfortunately I do not have such a KG in my collection, nor any documents to.
Unfortunately, I can not help you.
It would be nice if you ever much better photos could adjust by your KG. 3


Beiträge: 636
Punkte: 636
Registriert am: 18.01.2010


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