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SC250 Practice bomb colour

#1 von FlyingBins , 08.05.2017 23:02

Hi, sorry but my German is awful, I hope to post in the right place, in your opinion, the color of the luftwaffe exercise bombs in the WWII, what color were they? Specifically SC250
Thank you
[img]20170508_100638.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)[/img]

Beiträge: 2
Punkte: 2
Registriert am: 08.05.2017

RE: SC250 Practice bomb colour

#2 von rookie1 , 09.05.2017 16:45

you've picket a quite complex theme here...
As you might know, This question can not be answered just with one sentence normally.
But in this case I would say, the mostly used colour here was RAL 6006-840R


Beiträge: 223
Punkte: 223
Registriert am: 19.01.2010


Fl.18505-1 Luftschraubenstellungsanzeiger, 1941
SC250 Practice bomb colour

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