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Danke Admin Erwin Wiedmer
Forum Deutscheluftwaffe
Willkommen auf unserem Forum - Bordausrüstungen der Deutschen Flugzeuge zwischen 1914-1945
-- Das Forum zum Wissensaustausch für Flugzeugliebhaber und Freunde der deutschen Luftfahrt.
Nice idea to start a forum about instruments and equipment! I am Mathieu from the Netherlands and for some years I am trying to build a full scale fuselage of a Fokker G.1. I want it as accurate as possible and the last few years I managed to find several small pieces of equipmet that was used in the G.1.
But now I like to find the switches (kippschalters) that Fokker used. According to the manual the switches were made by Carl Bähr ( or Bär ) type No 330 VDE. Is there anyone of you who knows more about this company? Could be German, Austria or Switzerland based company.