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Danke Admin Erwin Wiedmer
Forum Deutscheluftwaffe
Willkommen auf unserem Forum - Bordausrüstungen der Deutschen Flugzeuge zwischen 1914-1945
-- Das Forum zum Wissensaustausch für Flugzeugliebhaber und Freunde der deutschen Luftfahrt.
during exhumation of german soldier we found part of cockpit plate in the grave. Is it possible to identify the type of aircraft this plate comes from? Probably the aircraft have crashed at Stephansdorf Fliegerhorst (near Nysa-Neisse) on 18.08.1943.
can you please post some more photos from the plate when it was cleaned? It seems like it is a tag from somewhere in the cockpit and they sometimes had a number on it which helps to identify the aircraft type.
Hello, I don't know the exact type of airplane, where it belongs to. But for me, this part belongs to a "bigger" aircraft (2 or more motors). It could be i.e. an inscripition strip for mcbs (Selbstschalter).