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Danke Admin Erwin Wiedmer
Forum Deutscheluftwaffe
Willkommen auf unserem Forum - Bordausrüstungen der Deutschen Flugzeuge zwischen 1914-1945
-- Das Forum zum Wissensaustausch für Flugzeugliebhaber und Freunde der deutschen Luftfahrt.
#1 von
, 28.05.2014 19:33
Hallo alle Sammler,
I have a KG13A which needs a button replacement (the big B button on top is severely damaged) how do I need to proceed to take it out of the stick and replace it with a new one, of course without damaging the stick?
The button is held like the other smaller buttons, by a small set screw. This I believe without looking is behind the second large auxiliary button. You will likely need to move this button to get to the screw. The screw may come out easy or it may not. It would be best to use a oil to help loosen it before you attempt to remove it. The steel of these screws is typically very soft and easy to damage. Once the screw is removed you should be able to pull the damaged button out.
#3 von
, 29.05.2014 13:29
Hi Jason,
Thanks for the answer. If I understood correctly, I need to use pliers to take the damaged button off, and then take out the screw behind it before pulling completely the button, correct?
You need to remove the screw first. The screw holds the old button in, so it is much easier to do that first. You also do not want to damage the screw. You can then use pliers to pull the damaged button out.