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Danke Admin Erwin Wiedmer
Forum Deutscheluftwaffe
Willkommen auf unserem Forum - Bordausrüstungen der Deutschen Flugzeuge zwischen 1914-1945
-- Das Forum zum Wissensaustausch für Flugzeugliebhaber und Freunde der deutschen Luftfahrt.
After 6 months of field work, I am going back home. It is time to finish the parts I have promised and this some of my stocks.
I have below given panels in my stock. None have the RLM66 finish; they either have a thin coat of RAL 8012 primer, or no paint at all. If requested, I can do the RLM66 finish.
Bf 109G-4 Gerätetafel (February 1942 version) Bf 109G-4 Gerätetafel (December 1942 version) Bf 109G-6 Gerätetafel (June 1943 version - Standard G-6 panel) Bf 109G-6 Gerätetafel (Swiss AF version) Bf 109G-10 Gerätetafel (Full milled; used by WNF and Erla) Bf 109K-4 Gerätetafel Bf 109G-6 Gerätetafel-träger (February 1943 version; with front plating) Bf 109G-6 Gerätetafel-träger (Late 1943 version; without front plating) Bf 109G/K Gerätetafel-träger (used on G-6 to K-4)
Here are three photos of the panels. You can see their better resolutions in the attachments. The first photo is of a Bf 109G-3/G-4 Gerätetafel. It is slightly different from the December 1942 version of Bf 109G-4 Gerätetafel which did not have the rectangular schalter opening on the upper right corner. I have made the rings for the landing gear control rods from phenolic fiber as requested in the original Messerschmitt factory blueprint. You can see a photo of this panel at Peter Cohausz's book Cockpit Profile Nr. 7, page 37.
Second photo is a close-up from a Bf 109G-6 panel. I make the cable holder from plywood veneers as well. I use an aluminum shaping mold in order to give the curved form to the holder. The 2 tiny holes on the right are for the data plate screws and their diameter is only 1.2 mm.
The final photo shows the back side of the Swiss Bf 109G-6 Gerätetafel. The two tiny holes above the merkleuchte opening are for the cockpit pressure warning data plate. Though neither G-6 nor further Bf 109G versions have pressurized cockpits and thus this data plate is not needed, even the late-war Bf 109G-10 panels with reduced milling had these data plate screw holes. You can see it here on a late-war 109G panel: http://www.cockpitinstrumente.de/downloa...ss/Me109G/1.jpg
Good day,
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Here I also add two photos of a late-war Bf 109G/K Gerätetafel-träger. The second photo shows how I give the curved form to the träger frames. Larger resolutions are attached.
Good day,
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