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Danke Admin Erwin Wiedmer
Forum Deutscheluftwaffe
Willkommen auf unserem Forum - Bordausrüstungen der Deutschen Flugzeuge zwischen 1914-1945
-- Das Forum zum Wissensaustausch für Flugzeugliebhaber und Freunde der deutschen Luftfahrt.
Unfortunately there is no Ln number, but I think it's same instrument, just badly drawn. Finland had a blind landing system made by Telefunken installed at the main airport in Helsinki.
So my guess is that this instrument wasn't used by Luftwaffe, but it was older version for civilian planes. The reason why I've been searching info about these blind landing instruments is that I'm trying to implement them correctly in flight simulator. I have two open question and I would really appreciate if you would know the answer for these.
1. The Finnish article says that this instrument had a red light at the center when plane flew over the outer marker and green light when it flew over inner marker. Did the Luftwaffe AFN-1 & AFN-2 instruments have these same two red & green lights or was there only single color for both marker beacons?
2. All British references state that the vertical needle of these blind landing instruments worked in "commanding manner". For example if plane drifted left from the Lorenz center beam (dot area), the needle is pointing to right. I don't understand much about German references, but I think they are saying that AFN-1 & AFN-2 instruments worked vise versa (plane drifted left for beam, needle pointing left). Which one is the correct behavior for Luftwaffe AFN-1 & AFN-2?
Any confirmation or hint for these issues is greatly appreciated.
Best regards
Tero T*
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Hello, I can give the following answers to yout questions:
1: AFN 1 and 2 had only a red light (neon lamp) in the center, which was iluminated when overflying the transmitter.
2: the needle went to the right, when plane flew to the right of the target (target was left from the plane). So the English sources are wrong in this case.
Regards, rookie1
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Thank you for this info. I'm also thinking that there was only one colored light in AFN-1 & AFN-2. However it is possible that this instrument made by Telefunken had red & green lights.