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Instrument panels of Erla built Bf 109s

#1 von rlm66.de , 18.02.2010 18:48


Around a year ago, I was told that the back side of instrument panels of Erla built late Bf 109G versions were "full milled", as in the standard G-6 panels. As a common belief, the late war Bf 109G versions (G-10, G-14) had instrument panels with reduced milling. Does anybody know whether the Erla built aircraft really had an exception?

I have some instrument panel parts of an Erla built Bf 109G-14/AS. The panel does have full milling on the back.


PS: This post can be deleted anytime. This is how the things work here unfortunately.

Beiträge: 47
Punkte: 47
Registriert am: 19.01.2010

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