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JU87 sitz

#1 von Chrille , 01.02.2015 11:37

looking for good pics of a original pilot seat or scans from handbook.

best C

Beiträge: 86
Punkte: 86
Registriert am: 05.03.2010

RE: JU87 sitz

#2 von REVOLVER , 01.02.2015 18:03

nAbend Chrille,

I can offer such photo to you...


Ju-87G_0.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)

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Registriert am: 13.03.2010

RE: JU87 sitz

#3 von Chrille , 02.02.2015 07:29

Many thanks ! I need drawings measurements of the backplate wich is conected to the seat! Also good pics of the back of the seat showing the harness fasten.

Best C

Beiträge: 86
Punkte: 86
Registriert am: 05.03.2010

RE: JU87 sitz

#4 von Chrille , 08.04.2015 13:21

So I did get the original headpanzer for the seat and now it is looking good!! just Paint it, and putt the harness on and fly!

best C

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