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Instrumenten ???

#1 von Chrille , 13.02.2013 21:35

Can anyone help me with the id of these parts?

Best C

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RE: Instrumenten ???

#2 von Viceroy , 13.02.2013 21:56

on the left are the smashed remains of at least two instruments I think. Yellow colour on one of the rngs indicates it at parts of the fuel system, maybe a fuelindicator. On the right photo is likely a part of the outer adjustment ring of the maincompass "Mutterkompass" FL.23331

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zuletzt bearbeitet 13.02.2013 | Top

RE: Instrumenten ???

#3 von Chrille , 20.02.2013 15:11


Best C

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Registriert am: 05.03.2010

RE: Instrumenten ???

#4 von Peter W. Cohausz , 21.02.2013 17:40


the instrument with the yellow color seems to be one of the big 80 mm type and it may have been an electrical one.
There fore it could have been also one of these electrical multiple pressure gauges. Fuel/oil-pressure.

Best regards

Peter W. Cohausz

Peter W. Cohausz  
Peter W. Cohausz
Beiträge: 82
Punkte: 82
Registriert am: 19.01.2010


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